Monday, October 5, 2009


Okay!! I NEED HELP!! I want to see everyone else's blogs!! So if you are reading this please invite me to view your blog!! Or if I am just an idiot someone explain how I can view blogs that are not open to just anyone!!


Jared, Beth, Carter, Maylee and Bridger said...

Annalyn-send me your email address then I can add you to our blog since it's private. You can send me a message to my phone with your email address! By the way I think Addalyn's haircut is cute and Aidan is getting big fast! They are both so cute!
Beth :)

Lauren said...

i'll add you too. send me your e-mail.

Thurston Fam said...

Aiden is soooo cute! He and Georgy will be buds.. George is the same way.. chill baby!! And EMma and Addalyn both have strong personalities.. he he! Love our kiddies! Wish we lived closer! I will add you on my blog.. I'll send you an email cuz my blog is private. Take care!!

p.s. emma and addalyn have the same haircut! I had someone cut Emmas before we left Utah! ADdalyn looks so stinkin' cute!

Meet the Robinson's said...

Oh I love seeing updates on your family. I sent you an invite. Hope you get it. Cant wait to see more.